Position of assistant professor (35%) and Head Physician (65 %) of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, HUS

Welcome to Apply! You must Apply the both at the same time!


Time to Apply is 22.4.2024 – 29.5.2024.


Head Physician, Diagnostic Center, Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine

The Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine (KFI) unit of the HUS Diagnostic Center is the largest KFI unit in Finland, employing approximately 160 KFI professionals. The continuous development of KFI’s area of responsibility requires strong investment in research.

We are looking for an innovative head physician for KFI, whose duties include the coordination, development and supervision of KFI’s scientific research activities, as well as the responsibility for teaching activities and their development. The duties of the Head Physician also include participation in KFI’s clinical activities and their development, as well as separately agreed and applicable responsibilities for research and activities in the area of responsibility.

https://ejnv.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/sv/sites/CX_1/job/11358/?keyword=ylil%C3%A4%C3%A4k%C3%A4ri&mode=location (look the attached files)

 The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Helsinki is simultaneously inviting applications for the position of assistant professor / part-time professor (35%) of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, which the University of Helsinki shall be filling in accordance with its own regulations and application process.




[Tehtävän kuvaus suomeksi]

[Job description in English]

[I svenska]

Ajankohtaista isotooppilääketieteessä, STUKin verkkoseminaari 30.5.

STUK järjestää kevään 2024 viimeisen isotooppilääketieteen verkkoseminaarin torstaina 30.5.2024 klo 14.00–15.30.

Verkkoseminaariin osallistuminen ei edellytä ilmoittautumista ja kutsua voi jakaa eteenpäin kiinnostuneille. Osallistumisesta ei jaeta osallistumistodistusta. Verkkoseminaariin osallistutaan alla olevan linkin kautta.

[Ajankohtaista isotooppilääketieteessä 30.5.2024 (Teams-linkki)]

Verkkoseminaarin ohjelma:

  1. Verkkoseminaarin avaus
  2. Teema 1 – Isotooppihoitojen toisen tason oikeutusarviointi
  3. Teema 2 – Opas lääkinnällisten laitteiden turvalliseen käyttöön
  4. STUKin ajankohtaiset

[STUK:n oma tiedote]